How to Use Promo Codes
You can find Robby Rabbit Online Store promo codes at email newsletters, social media pages (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), and homepage pop-ups!
1. Once you find the product you want to purchase, kindly click "BUY IT NOW" to proceed to checkout (skip to step 4). If you want to continue shopping, click "ADD TO CART".
*If a *Buy it with PayPal* button appears, kindly ignore it and proceed with "Add to Cart". You can still pay using PayPal at the checkout page after you enter your promo code.
2. When you're done shopping, go to your shopping cart.
3. At the Shopping Cart page, review your cart first then kindly proceed to Checkout.
4. At the Checkout Page, kindly enter the promo code on the right panel then click "Apply". The discounted price will now automatically reflect your total bill.
*The discount will also reflect your total bill when you choose the "Express Checkout with PayPal" option as long as you enter the promo code first.